Sawai Madhopur Junction railway station
सवाई माधोपुर जंक्शन रेलवे स्टेशन
Station Code: SWM

Sawai Madhopur Junction railway station phone number is 096306 52714 .
Sawai Madhopur Junction railway station address is Sawai madhopur railway station, Railway Colony, Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan 322001
Sawai Madhopur Junction railway station code is SWM. It is a major railway station on New Delhi–Mumbai main line of the West Central Railway zone network.
This station falling under Kota railway division of West Central Railway zone has been classified under 'A' category.

Tourist Places near Sawai Madhopur Junction railway station
- Wild Dragon Adventure Park 2.3km from Sawai Madhopur Junction railway station
- Rajiv Gandhi Regional Museum of Natural History 6.2km from Sawai Madhopur Junction railway station
- Jogi Mahal 12.7km from Sawai Madhopur Junction railway station
- Ganesh Mandir 12.8km from Sawai Madhopur Junction railway station
- Ranthambore National Park and Fort 12.8km from Sawai Madhopur Junction railway station
Platforms | 4 |
Parking | Yes |
WiFi | Coming Soon |
Public Transport | Yes |
Retiring/ Dormitory Rooms | Click here, (How to book) |
Cloak Room | Yes |
Restaurant's | Yes |
Public Transport
The nearest airport is Jaipur International Airport which is 139 km far away from the Sawai Madhopur railway station.
Indira Circle Bus Stand ,Indra Colony Sawai Madhopur bus stop and Kundera Bus Stop are the nearest bus stop for Sawai Madhopur railway station.
Taxis and autorickshaws are available from the exit gates of Railways Station to anywhere in city.
Hotels near Sawai Madhopur Junction railway station
Ranthambhore National Resort | 2.4km |
Hotel Ranthambhore Paradise | 0.6km |
Hotel Sanctuary Resort | 2.2km |
Hotel Ranthambhore Palace | 1.4km |
Suggested itinerary for Ranthambhore from Delhi
Best Trains Delhi to Sawai Madhopur | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Day1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ranthambore National Park is only 10km far away from Sawai Madhopur railway station, Pick up facility provided by hotels from railway station if you booked hotel in advance. after arriving in hotel check-in and take some rest then post lunch take jungle tour starts between 2pm-3:30pm, wear warm clothes if visiting in Dec-Feb. book online safari tour from official website. A open shared gypsy will cost ₹730 for indian and ₹1470 foreigner and canter will cost ₹510 and ₹1250. There are plenty of hotels one can find budget hotel in ₹400 to 700 and mid range hotels in ₹1500 to 2500.
Note: Reserve will remain close from 1st July to 30th September. after safari tour take some rest and sleep before 10pm so you can wake you earlier next morning. |
Day2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Check out from hotel if you don't have too much luggage.
Start your journey before 6am this morning take again safari tour and after lunch you can visit ranthambore fort. Below are the best trains from Sawai Madhopur railway station to New Delhi.