Mumbai Central Division Western Railway
Mumbai Division is spread over 637.04 route kms with 116 stations and handles 38.31 lakhsoriginating passengers daily with the passenger Earning of Rs 536.89 lakhs per day.
Mumbai Division is the lifeline of the Commercial capital of the country with its unique suburban System spread between CCG to DRD. The non-suburban section constitutes of the main line trains traversing through the two states of MAHARASTRA and GUJRAT. The Mainline extends up to SURAT and the TAPTI VALLEY Section runs between UDN and JL, the Division’s limit on this section being PALDHI station. Also a narrow gauge branch line runs between BILLIMORA and WAGHAI, which is a tribal belt.
Over this division there are 9 Goods unloading/loading points viz. JOS (AT), BOR, DRD, VAPI, BL,ST, CHM, BIY & DDE capable of handling full rake and Goods unloading point viz. AN having half rake capacity. Three goods shed viz NDB, BIM & NVS were closed for freight traffic due to poor patronization.
Postal Address of Mumbai Central Division:
Divisional Railway ManagerDRM Office
3rd Floor, Annex Building
DRM Office Compound
Western Railway
Mumbai Central
Mumbai, Maharashtra.
Pin - 400008.
DRM Mumbai Central Twitter A/c - @Drmbct